Is Merv 8 or Merv 13 the Best Filter for Your Home?

It is often better to purchase a Merv 8 filter and change it more frequently than a Merv 13 filter. This is because not only are the 13 filters more expensive, but they also need to be replaced more often due to their ability to remove dust and allergens so effectively. Standard Merv 8 filters are ideal for the average household, as they are much better than fiberglass filters and still quite reasonably priced. This type of filter will be able to trap anything larger than 3 micrometers, which is enough to capture common pollen, dust, and debris.

But what is a Merv rating? The higher the Merv rating on a filter, the fewer dust particles and other contaminants can pass through it. The difference between Merv 8 and Merv 13 rated filters is reduced to two microns. While this may not seem like much of a difference, it is important to understand how things work at the molecular level. If you live in an area with a lot of construction, factories, or pollution, using a Merv 13 filter will help keep the indoor air cleaner.

When comparing the airflow capabilities of each, raising just two or three Merv rating levels can be a wise decision that improves air quality or a poor choice for the entire HVAC system. For maximum efficiency, you should change the Merv 11 filter every 1 to 3 months, depending on the season and the intensity of work of your HVAC system. Merv 13 filters are the densest of the filter types covered here, so they need to be replaced more frequently than those with lower Merv ratings. Using the filter with the highest Merv rating in your home would restrict that airflow, making it difficult for your HVAC to function properly.

The Merv rating of the air filter indicates whether the filter will capture particulate matter at a rate between 84.9% and 90%. They told us that they noticed an immediate difference just a couple of hours after installing a Merv 13 filter. Filters with a Merv rating of 13 to 16 generally remove contaminants when there is a high need for clean air. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers created the Merv filter rating system as a domestic and global industry standard rating system.

Merv 8 filters can be a good choice for a typical home or business that only cares about keeping their HVAC system working properly. In conclusion, when deciding between Merv 8 and Merv 13 filters, it is important to consider your needs and environment. If you live in an area with high levels of pollution or construction, then it may be worth investing in a higher-rated filter. However, if you are looking for an affordable option that will still keep your home's air clean, then Merv 8 filters may be your best bet.