Will a Merv 8 Filter Damage Your Furnace?

The short answer is yes, but it's not really a problem, except in extreme circumstances. Most modern HVAC systems have no problem working with taller Merv filters, which is why millions of homeowners depend on them. While higher Merv ratings are the most effective for air quality, they can damage your HVAC system. In general, filters with higher MERV ratings capture higher percentages of particles, as well as smaller particles. And MERV-13* is practically where you want to be.

In general, filters with higher MERV ratings are more effective and improve air quality, but they are also more expensive. Plus, taller doesn't always mean better for homeowners. MERV ratings greater than 16 are commonly used in specialized commercial environments where air filtration is essential, such as hospitals. Using an oven filter with a higher Merv rating than your use case requires can have adverse effects. The thickness of the filter material in a MERV filter 11, for example, is greater than that of a Merv filter 8.

Therefore, in order for sufficient air to pass through the filter, a greater amount of energy is consumed. More use can cause more wear and tear, so be sure to maintain your oven regularly. However, MERV 11 filters are not considered too tall for residential use. Anything higher than a MERV 11 is designed for commercial or domestic homes with family members suffering from respiratory problems. Some air filters, especially those with higher MERV ratings, may prevent airflow due to improved air filtration.

Merv 13 filters, for example, also remove bacteria, tobacco smoke, car fumes, insecticide dust, pet dander and more. As an expert in HVAC systems and air filtration systems, I can tell you that it's important to consider the size and type of filter you're using in your furnace. While higher MERV ratings are the most effective for air quality, they can damage your HVAC system if they're too tall or too thick. In general, filters with higher MERV ratings capture higher percentages of particles, as well as smaller particles. In general, filters with higher MERV ratings are more effective and improve air quality, but they are also more expensive. More use can cause more wear and tear on your furnace system. For most Canadian homes, oven filters with MERV ratings in the 7-13 range are sufficient to filter most airborne impurities.

However, if you have family members suffering from respiratory problems or allergies then you may want to consider using an oven filter with a higher Merv rating such as Merv 13. These filters will remove bacteria, tobacco smoke, car fumes, insecticide dust and pet dander from the air. It's important to note that these filters may prevent airflow due to improved air filtration so it's important to maintain your furnace regularly. When looking for an oven filter it's important to consider the size and type of filter you're using in your furnace. With the Filter King filter selection tool you can mark exactly the size, thickness and MERV rating you're looking for. If an air filter can capture at least 20% of E1 particles, 65% of E2 and 85% of E3 particles then it will obtain a MERV 11 rating. It's important to note that vacuum bags are not safe for masks as they contain fiberglass which is very bad for breath (and worse when bags have been cut to make inserts).

However Merv air filters made from polyester and cotton are safe. In conclusion it's important to consider the size and type of filter you're using in your furnace when looking for an oven filter. Higher Merv ratings are more effective at improving air quality but they can also damage your HVAC system if they're too tall or too thick so it's important to maintain your furnace regularly.